Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally some  sun!!

this is what i did for easter.. well its more like a story of what she did =] 

She's wide awake..howling like a dog
Making weird faces..
She's posing..

posing again..
And again..
Playing with a lion..
Now she's looking through some binoculars..
She's in deep thought..

Looking at something through the binoculars again..
Attempting to stay awake..

And... She crashed.

1 comment:

btwitch said...

....and isn't when the child crashes (sometimes) the best part? Not because it is the end of noise and craziness, but because they look so peaceful? Nice documentation here, I wonder what all of this would be like if put into an audio slideshow? Might be pretty cool to try. Fun shots, keep it up!