Friday, November 21, 2008

Shadow Pics.
I had a pretty long exposure on these and nothing to set the camera on so a lot of them turned out blurry...

1 comment:

btwitch said...

Nothing to set the camera on?! No table, no chair, no TV, nothing? There was nothing else in the room- it was a void in the middle of the earth?! You can always find something to put the camera on.

If you are going to tell me that it is a slow shutter speed, tell me what shutter speed it was, give me some details. How do YOU Think that they turned out? Do you like them? Why? TEll me about your images!

It is important to shoot a large number of photos, the only way that you will get better is to shoot more and more, and TRY different things. If it doesn't work, well at least you tried and you learned from it about why it doesn't work.

These images work for shadow, but you should shoot more. Try different things!