The First look at summer...
For my final project I took photos of the landscapes, and the outdoors. These things interest me most, and man am i looking forward to summer. So capturing the essence of it is what i tried to do.
In this picture I thought a silhouette would be nice with the sun-setting in the background. Now in all honesty it wasn't a silhouette when I took it, there was some photoshop that had to be done to get it right. To make it a silhouette I darkened the darks and lightened the lights. Nothing fancy. I also gave the photo more color and life. I thought it was boring the way it was so I gave it some pizzaz.
In this photo of the trees i saturated it more, again giving it more life and color. Not a whole lot had to be done to this one. As far as the photo goes I really like the way it turned out because of the different angle. It makes you feel kinda small in such a big world.
This photo I was mainly trying to focus it on the sky, and the landscapes around it more than anything. I was hoping to got you to feel like you were there and in his shoes. I didn't want t his photo to be about the person. That's why he's more off to the side half way out so the viewer knows that he's just supposed to add to the feeling of the photo. As far as photoshop i just messed with the levels, burned him, dodged the rocks and part of the water, and once again saturated it.

I really thought this was the cutest little tree I'd ever seen. It looked so little next to all the big trees. I would have gotten a shot with all the big trees surrounding it, but then it didn't look like it was my subject and that's really all a wanted was this tree. It's so green and vibrant. I did nearly nothing to this photo. Maybe I took out magentas or something, but this photo didn't need much work.
In this photo i was experimenting with angles and i REALLY like the way that it turned out. This is one of my friends and well... Let's just say he's not the tallest guy you'll meet in your life. He's actually very short, and I believe one day I think I may have listened to you for a brief second and I remembered something about you saying that if you get below things they look bigger. And wow what do you know it worked!! He does look pretty big. But anyways so to this photo a desaturated all of it except for the blues and cyans. And I again messed with the levels to make it more dramatic.
This picture reminds me of the good ole days. =)
I desaturated all of it except blues and cyans again, and let this one be.
This picture is mare about the sky than anything. The view of a wonderful day turning to evening.
This photo I thought is what summer is all about, the beach, the waves, the sand between your toes.
I kept the blues and took out all other colors.
And last but not least the trees, the sky, the fresh air of summertime. I just saturated this baby and called it good. It's crazy the kind of rainbow there is in the sky. And we would never take the time to notice how beautiful our world is.
This has been my themed final project...I hope it portrayed summer for you.